In collaborations with its partners, TII has been involved in 7 submissions to the NIST standardization of additional digital signature schemes project including 6 out of the 14 schemes that are currently considered in the Round 2.
Schemes in Round 2
LESS - A signature scheme based on the Linear Equivalence Problem (LEP).
Mirath - A signature scheme based on the Minrank problem resulting from the merge of MIRA and MiRitH.
PERK - A signature scheme based on the Permutation Kernel Problem (PKP).
RYDE - A signature scheme based on the Rank Syndrome Decoding (RSD) problem.
SDitH - A signature scheme based on the Syndrome Decoding (SD) problem.
SQISign - A signature scheme based on Isogeny related problems.
Schemes from Round 1
Biscuit - A signature scheme based on the Multivariate Quadratic (MQ) problem.